Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Emma a Victiorican romance season two

The titular Meido
Love between people of different classes can be difficult, especially in nineteenth century England, The difficulties were enough to drive Emma and William apart. Emma now works in the countryside with another family and all of their servants while William is being courted by a noble lady. Yet fate might bring the two lovers back together?
The best character takes a puff

Emma is a period piece which works as a romance and a laid back drama. This is the second season of the show and is more or less as good as the first season pretty much everything I say here applies to the first season as well.

Mr. Will be played by Hugh Jackman in the live version

Emma is a rather subtle show as it deals with a period that had rather complicated manners and thus the characters act in a subdued manner. If you are used to anime romances it is a nice change from a cast of  melodramatic teenagers or generic main character and their harem. The show is rather subdued as this show is about characters is a more reserved time than the modern era and the characters reflect that. This is not to say that the cast feels wooden at all, they very warm and human, just different from what most anime characters are like.
And the professor and Mary Ann (I mean the male lead)

Overall I have found Emma to be subtle but very emotional look into another time period and the people that lived then and there.

Rating the silver tea cup for being a really nice anime show about 19th century England with a likable cast. 

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