Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Awesome characters 1 Hikigaya Hachiman

Our protagonist

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU(At least that is what they are calling it on Crunchy roll) is one of my favorite shows in the spring season and unlike Attack on Titan and Gargantia I don't feel that it has been hyped enough. I have found the show's biggest strength is that it takes many of the tropes and characters you see in anime romantic comedies and light novels and deconstructs them. I feel that this is very evident in the main character Hikigaya Hachiman.

I remember a few years ago I was able to greatly alter if not win a debate about feminism and Umineko no Koro ni with the idea that oppresion does not make you a better person. The same principle applies to Hikigaya. All too often in anime we have a main character who is not only dateless but also bereft of friends, yet they suffer no emotional backlash from their sorry state. Hikigaya is not only an interesting twist on the blank anime protagonist his since of bitterness and negativity make him more relatable than your average so called anime nerd protagonist.

Not only is he relatable to darker nature of many of us his attitude is one that is perfect for novels. He has a lot of inner monologue and narration, which is common for novel works. Such works are best served by a main character which a strong voice and Hikigaya's unrelenting pessimism gives us just that voice.

Yet another way Hikigaya makes (title) so even better is the fact that his antisocial nature really does put the brakes on any romance happening in the show. In most romantic shows the main relationship is dragged out so the show can make more money simply by being longer. However with (title) simply not emotionally capable of committing to either Yukino or Yui until he makes some rather drastic personal changes. By the end of he show you she the beginnings of those changes and a slight change in his relationships but that feels natural. In short when it comes to romantic comedy protagonists sometimes bitter is much better taste than bland.

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