Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall overview part seven Not so Funi anymore

Fall overview part seven Not so Funi anymore
Believe it or not there are anime shows that are streamed on other services than crunchyroll. While I generally use said service as my primary anime viewing portal I try not to ignore other sites. However for the most part they don't seem to be helping me as except for maybe Coppelion (see part two for my ideas of the show) there doesn't seem to be all that much in the way of great material.
In some crazy future there is some guy named Ragna Bloodblade who seems to have the same tailor as Cloud Strife from Final fantasy seven and he has a strange blue flame power in his right arm. He wanders about a mist shrouded world and is beset by an equally colorful assortment of foes. Apparently there is some sort of time loop business going on or at least that is what I seem to understand from the loli vampire girl and the secret agent guy wearing green. Blazblue is an anime show based off of a series of fighting games (as it should be noted fighting games have an even worse track record for good anime adapations than dating sims). This show is confusing as all get out with the inclusion of what looks like more characters than the plot can properly support at this point. This might get better as the show progresses but I hold out no real hope of this.
Gundam Build fighters
In a world much like our own Gundam models are very popular, the only difference is that there is some sort of technology that allows people to battle with the models they have built. Sei is the son of a gundam model shop owner who won a tournament years ago. Of course Sei wants to be like his father but gets defeated every time by the local psuedo bully. This is until Sei happens upon a mysterious foreigner (?) named Reiji who is really good at piloting Gundam models. At some level the Gundam anime shows were always a giant toy commercial but they were never this blatant about it. I wouldn't call the show to be entirely trash as the friendship between Sei and Reiji is somewhat interesting. There are also a bunch of easter egg type elements for long running fans of the show (such as the local man Mr. Ral who is a pretty obvious expy of Ranba Ral in the first series). While it may not be much I would sort of recommend Gundam build fighters to the right person.
Tokyo Ravens
Harutora is the decendant of a long line of Onmyouji whose line stretches all the way back to Abe no Seimei. However instead of choosing to learn magic Harutora decides to laze away the days in the countryside. That is until one day a strange lady shows up and forces his hand. I wasn't all too impressed with the first episode of Tokyo Ravens. It looked like a bog standard urban fantasy show that for the most part failed to live up to genre expectations and didn't have a more intersting hook to it. However as there seems to be several members of the main cast that haven't been introduced yet I might just attribute this boondoggle of a first episode to a pacing snag rather than the overall quality of the show.
Unbreakable Machine Doll
Raishin Akabane is a puppet master who works with his sentient puppet Yaya. Raishin has aspirations of being the wise man or greatest of all the puppeteers but if his grades have any bearing on things, this will be a hard road for him to travel. This anime show is a fighting fantasy show that appears to be setting in an alternate late 19th/ early 20th century. While the show isn't something that I would say is extraordinary I found the setting and the characters to adequate and fairly entertaining. I was especially pleased in that Raishin and Yaya had a decent character dynamic between them and both characters had a bit off fire to them, a nice change given the large amount of unmotivated characters in modern anime. Just as a note there is a fair amount of fan service in this show; enough that it might turn off some potential viewers although in my opinion it was done somewhat tastefully and wasn't used to obfuscate weaknesses in the show.

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