Monday, March 24, 2014

Getting around to watching Zeta Gundam part 1

Why haven't you watched this by now, God

You know how if you ever consider yourself an anime fan for any significant length of time a collection of shows that you mean to watch eventually but never have the time to watch seems to accumulate? Well as it just so seems to happen I have gotten the chance to start cleaning up that so called pile of shame and the first piece of anime that I decided to get around to is the most classic of mecha anime shows, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. This article covers my thoughts on watching the first ten episodes of the show. 

But without your glasses people will know who you are
First thing I noticed about this show is that it is clearly a show that lives in the sizable shadow of the first Gundam show. There is a noticeable amount of name dropping and references that people who haven’t seen the first show wouldn’t understand. This isn’t all bad as Zeta Gundam has clearly better animation than other anime shows of the era and my guess is that Sunrise had a known property that they were willing to throw a good sized animation budget at. I found the fight in episode eight to be especially well animated and fun to watch.

For those of you asking, yes I am going on a date with Madlax tonight
The main premise behind the show is that a few years have passed and the Earth Federation and especially a splinter group called the titans have become so corrupt that they are basically the bad guys now. If it wasn’t obvious by their actions the fact that the Federation now flies zaku lookalikes called hizaks  cemments this.
The story centers around the angtsy teenage hero of the day this time being anime’s very own boy named Sue, Camille Bidan. After managing to steal a gundam during a Aueg (this show’s underdog freedom fighters) raid on a colony Camile hops aboard a ship called the Argama and ends up fighting the titans every episode and loses his parents in the process. While the show for the most part feels fairly episodic there is some slow progress with each episode so most of the episodes don’t feel pointless. 

As of this point I consider this show to be a good one to pass time with. I plan to watch all fifty episodes so this is only my preliminary thoughts on the show but I am glad that I have finally gotten around to it.

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