Thursday, March 20, 2014

Z/X Ignition files part 2

 So it has been a few weeks since my last installment of Z/X Ignition files and given that there is a second article about this show you are probably guessing that this show isn't all that awful, after all Jeckyllgeek is still watching it. Sorry if you think I am the anime equivalent of Mikey from life cereal but my interest in this show is one of irony and the odd fact that no one else seems to be watching this show so I figure I might as well do so to cover some hole in the anime blogosphere.
I'm never going to get a rack like that
In episode five we turn out attention to Aina Mikage, the maid friend of the show's protagonist. If you can't tell who she is the show has decided to remind the viewer of the names of all the characters every episode as though it thinks the viewers have some form amnesia. But back to Aina, she is a member of a most tragic type of character, namely the would be normal girlfriend of the protagonist of a magical girlfriend show. However we soon learn that we shouldn't have any sympathy for her as she is quite bigoted toward the Z/x to the point of turning on the rest of the cast when they save her from a rogue Z/x ends up seemingly making some sort of pact with the monster that tried to kill her so she could kill the people who saved her and would be her friends. Let it never be said that revenge and bigotry are good fodder for logical thinking.
You wouldn't believe the cleaning costs
Episode 6 More formally introduces the the rest of the cast. They are Sera, Chitose and Mikado, as well as their Z/X partners. Sera and Chitose primarily exist to bring the loli count on this show to three and given how this show isn't targeted at little girls it is almost surprising that there isn't more hue and cry from the usual suspects for maybe they are just distracted by My sister is unusual. Mikage is supposedly some great general but looking at him he looks like he was created so the shows three fujoshi viewers could slash him with Asuka. The only Z/x of the group that is worth noting is Alexander who takes up the space of the powerful jerk looking for a fight from nearly every shonen fighting show but mostly closely in the vein of Zaraki or Vegeta.
Asuka, tank watching with the entire harem
Episode seven for the most part is a continuation of episode five with Aina continuing to be a racist jerk while some black world Z/X starts attacking everyone. Episode eight brings both halves of the cast together even though Mikado and company just invaded the place with the military everyone is just friends now (except Aina of course). There is also some focus on one of the little girls of the show but it mostly serves to make her pitiable but that is somewhat expect from your cute little girl types.
Minds out of the gutter yuri fans
So should you watch Z/X Ignition? probably not. The show seems to be living up to it's initial reputation as a soulless collectable card game ad and looks like it will be getting a tin rating from me if things don't improve.

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