Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Review Barakamon

Tsundere in training

Seishuu Handa was a notable calligrapher but one who's temper caused him to punch an old man who criticized his work. As punishment he was exiled to a rural island. However Handa is a city boy who is completely out of his depth in this new environment. However could this change of scenery and the people that he now lives with be a catalyst for change in Seishu?
Rpg jokes go with everything

Barakamon is a twelve episode slice of life show. The show is rather different from most of the genre as it is not a four girls do nothing type of show, but a show focusing on the slow personal transformation of a man. It is the kind of show that shows that you can tell a more personal and substantial story while still using the slice of life format.
And they say his calligraphy was going to the toilet

While it isn't the usual type of slice of show it doesn't mean that it is without moe. The other main character in the show is Naru, a totally adorable seven year old girl who is really attached to the main character. It is different enough from most shows of the genre that it feels fresh and a bit more real to life than 

Overall I found Barakamon to be a fun and unique slice of life show that should be a fun watch even for those that typically don't like said genre.

Rating the Silver undine (Aria) for being a really nice and well above average slice of life show.

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