Thursday, March 27, 2014

Review Witchcraft works

Takamiya Honoka was just another normal high school student until the idol of the school Kagari Ayaka started to pay attention to him much to the chagrin of the rest of school. However Ayaka is more than just pretty, smart and athletic, she is also a powerful fire witch. As it turns out other witches have reasons to want to hunt down Honoka and he needs to have Ayaka protect him from all sorts of arcane threat. Can Honoka manage to survive now that his life has turned into a dangerous and magical mess even though it comes with a wonderful new girlfriend?

Ayaka and Honoka's relationship in a nutshell
At first glance Witchcraft works might look like just another show were your average boy picks up a magical girlfriend. However there is a bit of a deconstruction here in that the girl with the magic is the one wearing the pants in the relationship (only figuratively though). Even though Ayaka is a different from your average girl in the role I found her a bit too stoic to be all that believable or compelling. Fortunately there is a rather quirky cast of side characters that take up some of the slack from the main characters.

This show can be down right weird in places
This show has a rather sizable action component which naturally expands as the show wears on being that the show starts off mostly episodic and then grows something more of a plot arc about six or so episodes in. Even though Ayaka can pretty much curb stomp many of the foes in the show (including a group of five witches that hang around and even sing the show’s ending song) the action scenes are fun to watch. 

Normally I don't use ED clips but I couldn't resist
Overall I found Witchcraft Works to be a decent show with a fun action show with a romantic subplot. 

Rating the Bronze Belldandy (Oh My Goddess) for being a worthwhile show with a magical girlfriend.

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