Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Review Soul Link

In all honesty I am not sure why I decided to watch Soul Link. It is a seven year old obscure show that has never been licensed. I think I saw a trailer to the visual novel it was based on and it looked interesting. Plus I needed something to watch on a mobile device and a lot of shows are mkv files which doesn't work with my device. Anyways Soul Link is a mostly forgotten show that probably deserves its fate.

Soul Link is a story of some military cadets who go to a space station for an outer space boot camp of sorts. I won't bother going into names but amounts to three mixed gender pairs. There is also one of the girl's friend, another mysterious green haired lady and a group of obviously up to no good people. After a couple of episodes things go south when the obviously up to no good people highjack the space station.

One angle that I was thinking of taking with this review was to notice how useless most of the female characters were in this show. While I am not someone who usually takes a feminist stance in critiquing art something came to mind while watching Soul Link. Namely it is the idea of questioning a need for a dedicated feminist stance while reviewing art on the grounds that any truly bigoted work of art (be it sexism, racism or whatever) will be seriously flawed in a normal critical review as characters that are from a group that the creator discriminates against will be shallow, boring and general drags on the narrative as the creator doesn't think much of the group of people in question. If my conjecture bears out it is shown in at least somewhat in Soul Link. While there are some useful women in the show (namely two female mercenaries) most of them stand around and cry for most of the show. On top of this there is a female villain who is blandly evil and makes up for her lack of a mustache for twirling by wearing what I call the slutty clothes of evil.

Even with that said there aren't that many good points in the show. Even though it was made in 2006 the calls back to the bad cg techniques that were prevalent around the turn of the millennium. The pacing is also quite terrible as it takes a couple of episodes for anything to actually start happening. The few bright points that I found were mostly in the cast which had a few decent and somewhat interesting characters. I wouldn't say that Soul Link is truly terrible enough to be worthy of a hate based review but I can honestly say that you should not watch this anime show.

Rating The tin Gameindusti medal of participation (Hyper dimension Neptunia) for mediocre performance in science fiction.

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