Monday, November 18, 2013

I was too harsh with Log Horizon

When I was reviewing the first episodes of nearly every anime show I watched the first episode of Log Horizon and pretty much panned it as a somewhat ripoff of Sword Art Online. It was not an uncommon opinion as the accusations of psuedo plagiarism are thrown about with wild abandon. However if you might guess I have watched the show further and am about to recant my old position. Although to lavish praise upon this show is still a bit premature things are looking up for the show.
The horror of cosplay
First of all Sword art Online isn't the best comparison to Log Horizon, Maoyuu is. It may seem a bit obvious given that they are both adaptations of novels by the same Author,  Mamare Touno. This is made all the more apparent in episodes five and six of Log Horizon as the show takes a turn into the social engineering that Maoyuu was so known for. My only real worry about Log Horizon at this point is the possibility that it gets too wrapped up with Shiro's grand plan to make the world a better place ignoring things such as character development and action.
Your nightmare but possibly Ron Paul's dreamland
There are some things in anime that seem rather stupid on first glance and only when you get further into a show does the reasoning become apparent. This of course applies to the resurrection scenario in Log Horizon. When I first saw it in episode two I thought it was an utterly stupid idea as it was something that drained the tension out of the show like few things could; for after all when the characters no longer have to fear death there is little dramatic tension to the show. However as the show progressed this helped with the show' main theme, asking if people just wake up when you kill them, what is the real consequence to murder, and thus facilitating Elder Tale's descent into a world of chaos and oppression.  
Attack on boars covered in vegetables
Currently Log Horizon is an interesting show that is finally starting to stand on it's own two feet. It manages to have some fairly interesting characters and possibly a good plot. It is hovering around a bronze rating or it maintains it's upward trend of quality I could see giving this show a silver rating. Hear is to being hopeful for this show.

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